Summer Ready Desserts


Are you looking for no-bake summer desserts? Look no further, we have got you covered! The hot weather is here and we bid farewell to pies and baked goodies, say hello to some more refreshing desserts. We have got you sweet, creamy, light and fruity ice cream and pudding recipes for your pending summer party, backyard barbecue or weekend dessert plans. The warm-weather desserts will ensure your cookout ends on a sweet note. So, here are some drool-worthy, irresistible desserts your guests can’t wait to dive into.

Royal China, New Delhi gives us two splendid summer dessert recipes to feel cool this season.

Deep Fried Ice Cream 

* Egg Whites
* 2 Eggs
* 8 1/2 cups
* Crushed Cornflakes or Breading
* Canola Oil (for frying)


  1. Scoop the ice cream into 8 – 1/2 cup sized balls place on a tray an inch apart.
  2. After scooping the ice cream, place them in the freezer to harden for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Mix two eggs together to make the egg wash. In a shallow dish, beat egg whites until foamy.
  4. Fill a deep – frying pan with (3 inches) Canola oil. Heat it to 375 degrees. Heat the oil while your ice cream is freezing.
  5. After you have coated the ice cream scoops with egg wash, cover them with the crushed corn flakes or bread (rip off the strips). Roll the ice cream around in it until the ice cream is completely covered.
  6. Now that the ice cream scoops are covered with corn flakes or bread, you can start deep-frying. To test if the oil is hot, take an ice cream scoop and touch it to the oil. If the oil sizzles, it’s ready. Gently place your ice cream scoops in the oil for 5-8 seconds.
  7. Remove the deep-fried ice cream and Drain quickly on paper towels to cool and extract extra oil.
  8. Serve and enjoy!

Mango Pudding

* 200 g frozen mangoes  
* 2 1/2 cups cold water
* 1 cup heavy cream, chilled
* 50 ml mango juice
* 45 g sugar
* Teaspoon freshly squeezed lime juice.
* 2 (1/4-ounce) packets unflavored gelatin.


  1. Take gelatin in a bowl. Add cold water over it and let it soak for 10 mins.
  2. Take water in a pan and bring it to boil. Switch off the flame and add the soaked gelatin and mix well so that it gets dissolved easily.
  3. Cut fresh mango in half and then dice the fresh mangos out.
  4. Place most of the mango cubes in blender and then add the left half milk or coconut milk; blend until very smooth. Mix mango smooth with milk prepared in step 1, add heavy cream too. Stir until evenly combined. And strain the mixture.
  5. Pour the mixture to your container or ramekins. Move to refrigerator for around 2 to 3 hours until completely set.
  6. Run a knife around the sides of the bowl and invert it into a plate.